Friday, September 7, 2018

Teiyette and the Devil

Image result for guadalupe poor villageTeiyette and the Devil is a short story written by a young 17 year- old Guadeloupen girl. One can infer that she is Afro-Caribbean based off the text from the context "Tetiyette and the devil, however has the distinction of having been recorded as told in creole, by a seventeen year old girl" (Tetiyette and the Devil).  In my personal opinion this short story is literary, meaning this story we read was entertaining all while getting a very important message across. In my personal opinion the message the Author was trying to get across was that: just because a guy is good-looking, doesn't mean he is right for you. The intended audience for this particular story is young girls. The author does this in many clever ways. One of my personal favorites is describing the first guys she meets in the story as animals. "The young girl came out, picked up the most beautiful of her silver cups and gave the goat a drink from it" (Tetyette and the Devil) this gives the reader a picture of a goat, which is not attractive at all. he continues to add another man that approaches her as a pig, he does this so us readers can see the guy she is seeing as a slob, and fat just like a pig. another great thing that I love on how the author got this message across was through Poetry using: repetition, rhythm, and a strong message. an example:
"oh, Mama! oh, Mama! Bel-air drum! 
the man to whom you married me, Bel-air drum!
is a terrible devil! Bel-air drum!
he's eating me up! Bel-air drum!" (Teiyette and the Devil)
Image result for pig and goat
by using repetition it emphasizes the feelings that character has during that time, so us readers can have an understanding of what they are feeling at the time. You might notice that the words "Bel-air drum!' are used at the end of every sentence of this poem. this sets the rhythm, and or beat for the reader. It allows the author to create a way for every reader to read it the same way, just by creating a flow of using the same end phrases. I think this author did an outstanding job of building a story, for young girls to read and learn from. it creates a fun and entertaining story, all while getting a very important message across. 

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