Monday, September 24, 2018

Blog Post #3

in this analysis I will be uncoveriing the similarities, and differences between the Caribbean stories of Little Cog-Burt, and Cotton Candy. Little Cog-Burt By: Phyllis Stand Allfrey & Cotton Candy By: Dora Alonso. these two stories I think are very similar, and also very different in many ways. let me explain some reasons why they are similar. these Two main Characters in Little Cog-Burt: Little Cog-Burt, & Cotton Candy: Lola. these two main characters in the stories are viewed upon as undermined individuals through their society in the given time and place. in my personal Opinion, Little Cog-Burt  and Cotton Candy are both stories that are limited to a certain audience. this implies that the two stories are not for the every-day Joe to read for entertainment. One being Little Cog-Burt who has worms, and on the other hand we have Lola from Cotton candy. she is constantly being held back from the one thing she has wanted to do her entire life, make love. I personally think that those two given examples from before is also a reason of differences between the two stories. Yes, they are similar because of their Audience appeal. For instance, Little Cog-Burt 
Image result for old lady eating cotton candyImage result for little cog burt"Cog- looks  sickly, Moria who had once been a hospital nurse would sat to ma'am Jovey. Cog-Burt suffer, ma'am said ma'am Jovey. what does he suffer from? oh he suffer from worms, or so they say" and Cotton Candy "Lola waded through the lukewarm preludes, searching with unsure steps for the deep water of unhampered sex." some differences on why these stories are In fact different. the authors that wrote the stories, have two different audiences that they are trying to reach, as well as two different messages that they are trying to get across. Little Cog-Burt's message: two people who hate each other like the same things. Cotton Candy's: don't wait until you are about to die, to fulfill one of your dreams. these authors have two completely different messages that they are trying to get across to us, the audience.

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Blog Post #4

     Trinidad & Tobago is a Caribbean island full of Corruption, Cocaine, & Murder. the island from google's perspective is...